Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Hey again!

If you would like to be co-owner of this blog and post ideas, pictures, or ANYTHING you like then I can add you as an Author!!

One thing I need is your E-mail in order to send you the Activation e-mail I think its called?

Anyways, you don't HAVE to be co-owner but you can if you want!!

This will not be a very busy job! Maybe, just somethin you can edit on your spare time!

'Til then, see ya later! =D


  1. I'd like to help you! However it might be dangerous to send you my e-mail. My parents probably won't let me.

  2. Ya, i DEFINATLY agree. I felt rlly nervous posting this cuz I dont rlly want anyones email.

    I dont rlly want authors but I just gave ppl the oppertunity.

    I wouldnt give my email out, either.

  3. I'm glad there are still some cautious people online out there. For instance, I have Friend Requests form people that I never heard of on Facebook. My friends are always friendsing people they probably see down the street and of course they want to buddy ME! It's really creepy and annoying!

    Still, I'm glad that you are very cautious about this! I understand COMPLETELY!

  4. Yeah thanks! You did give a e-mail on ur blog right? I might send the Power Point when finished. Maybe if I make a Bird World Blog i might be able to give it to you.

  5. Lieutenant F.C.(pteri4u)25 August 2011 at 08:13

    I would like to be co-creater but i don't have google account or blogger account. -.-

  6. Maybe we should make a quote for Bird World. Animal Jam uses 'Jam on!'. How about for us we could do, 'Tweet up!'. That sounds like Twitter though. How about, 'Fly fun!' , sounds pretty good.

  7. Now i'm thinking of Fly High!

  8. I don't like giving e-mail! I guess I won't be an author. I heard some ppl might send an e-mail to you, then if you open it, a virus may go in your computer and do bad things in your computer.

  9. Hey tech! Again, i TOTALLY agree! I wasnt all sure about giving out my e-mail on my blog but im glad theyre are still cautious-minded people out there! Good choice, tech! I COMPLETELY agree!

    - foxlen

  10. About the quote, I am thinking of "Fly over mountains, forests, and seas!"

  11. A bit too long...
